
Hospital capers!

Here's a cool video of Jerome Mesnager creating some new work for the Auberge du Jour' or day-rooms, of the Saint- Antoine hospital in the 12th arrondissement :
More photos here
Fabulous stuff--and you don't even have to be sick to go have a look at it! Whatever, though, it's bound to make you feel better!

Polaroid pochoir

Caught up with the coolest thing the other day--Jana and JS' polaroid-inspired pochoirs, which have been springing up all over Parisian walls in the last few months. They're a young couple--Jana is German and JS is French--and their work has this great quality of immediacy and thought-provoking juxtaposition: they often show themselves or other people clicking away with cameras in the midst of landscapes of misery and ruin and war(but no other people to be seen.) Very interesting and original stuff.
The work of Jana & Js is also being honored along with Jef Aerosol's at the Festival Artcite in Fontenay-sous-Bois. From Monday, September 28 to Saturday, October 17, 2009. So if you're in Paris get yourself over there before it ends!

Check out the artists' website at: