Miss Tic is one of the few female pochoir street artists working on Paris walls, but her very distinctive work, which blends text and picture, philosophical aphorisms, bits of poetic wisdom and elegant, stylised Parisian women based on her own silhouette, has become a favourite of many people. Most of her work is concerned with love, seen from a feminine angle, and in fact it was love--the pain of losing it--that drove her, to coin a phrase, to the wall! It was out of the ashes of her relationship with Blek le Rat that Miss Tic the street artist was born, in the mid-1980's. Before that, she'd been a poet, newspaper critic and street theatre performer. She considers herself to be both writer and artist: as she put it, 'the wall is my publisher'.
Jef Aerosol also started in the 1980's, but in Tours, not Paris(though now there's a lot of his work in the capital). A lover of punk music, especially The Clash, he started painting on walls because he wanted to attract the attention of the local music scene to his potential as a record-cover and poster artist! It certainly worked and he soon found himself hobnobbing with all kinds of musicians. His work is still very much inspired by music--not just punk, but rock and blues too. But also by the 'man in the street' passersby, his family, friends etc.
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